Cold & Flu Season

Simple Vapor Rub Formula

1 Part Eucalyptus Oil; 1 Part Peppermint Oil; 4 Parts Olive Oil

Cough Syrup

1/2 Cup Onion (chopped); 1 Cup Honey; 1/2 Tsp. Cayenne Pepper  Directions: Mix well. Sit in warm place. Use 1 Tsp when needed.

Lung & Cough Forumula

1 Cup Boiled Honey; 1/2 Tsp. Peppermint Oil; 1/2 Tsp. Eucalyptus Oil; 1/2 Tsp. Clove Oil;  1 Tbsp Licorice Root Powder; Pinch of Cayenne  Directions: Mix well. Use 1 Tsp. When needed

Cold & Flu Drink

1 Lemon; 1 Grapefruit; 1 Medium Onion; 2 Garlic Cloves; Pinch of Cayenne Pepper  Directions: Chop Ingredients, add to approx. 1/2 quart of water and simmer for 20 minutes. Drink 1 cup every hour.

Garlic Oil Recipe

1 Cup Garlic (chopped); 2 Cups pure Olive oil Directions: Cover garlic with oil in a bottle and allow to sit for 7 days (Shake bottle daily). Strain oil into dark or amber bottle and seal with lid or top and refrigerate. 2-3 drops in ear is good for ear infections. Can be used for rashes, skin infections, lung or stomach infections (apply 2-3 times daily).

Blood Building Vegetable Drink

4 oz. Carrot; 2 oz. Celery; 2 oz. Fresh Beets; 2 oz. Cabbage; 2 oz. Cucumber; 2 oz. Spinach; 2 oz. Parsley Directions: Combine and drink 2-3 times per day.

Nature's Penicillin

1 Grapefruit; 1 Orange’ 2 Lemons’ 3 cloves of Garlic’ 1/2 of a large chopped Onion’ 3 drops of Peppermint Oil  Directions: Chop the ingredients into pieces and place into a blender or food processor with enough water for it blend well. Add more water as needed. Then add the peppermint oil in last. Dosage: For adults, take one cup daily. For children, take ½ cup daily. Do not take doses all at once. Instead, take one spoonful each time, throughout the day.

Simple Cough Syrup

One medium-sized onion; Honey Directions: Place one or two drops of honey into a dish of finely chopped onions. Allow it to sit for three or four hours. You should sip a teaspoonful every hour, or if need be, every half hour.





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